Sunday, June 19, 2011

Peter Laviolette gives CHOW284 two thumbs up!

To say Father's Day Breakfast was a success is an understatement. IT WAS AWESOME! We learned 3 things from our first Sunday Breakfast...

1-People love the food.

2-People love the jazz trio which will play every week.

3-Philadelphia Flyers head coach Peter Laviolette wishes he lived closer to Feasterville.

Coach Lavy made a special trek into our establishment this morning because as it turns out, the singer of our young jazz trio is his niece! It was a pleasant surprise to all the no-longer-hungry fathers in attendance as well as our cook, Brandon, who is a die-hard Flyers fan. Coach Lavy let everyone know that the service was fantastic, the food was delicious and that if Vorhees, NJ was a little closer to Feasterville, PA, he'd be sure to pop in on a regular basis.

Although we can't guarantee championship ring-clad celebrities strutting through our door every week, we can guarantee excelent food, service and live music.

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