Friday, September 9, 2011

Coffee Porter VS Coffee wasn't even close.

Last night at our weekly beer tastings, we put an old brew up against a new seasonal beer and it wasn't even close. Out with the old and in with the new as the new stuff won by a very wide margin, 24-3 (there wass about 5 or 6 votes for the new stuff before I decided to even keep count).

"This stuff is flat, it has no flavor."

"It's bland compared to the other one."

"I don't even feel like drinking it. It doesn't taste like beer."

These are actual quotes about the old drink.

"Just by the smell, I knew it was going to be good."

"It's dark in color, yet really light."

"This one is Guinness, right? It has to be because Guinness is good."

The first beer discussed was Guinness. The latter, Philadelphia Brewing Company's seasonal Joe Coffee Porter. We took a few things from this tasting and one is that Guinness is merely a name. Just because it's a popular Irish stout, doesn't mean it's automatically good. People actually thought the Joe was Guinness because it was so good. As if it's impossible to brew such a tasty treat. Well, it is possible.

We're proud to announce we are now carrying Joe Coffee Porter.

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